Change Your Bedding In Record Time!

By Oliver 9 January 2015

Who Says Food And Bed Don’t Mix?!

Most people hate having to make their beds – especially kids. They think that putting clean bed sheets on is boring and a chore, often leaving it up to poor old Mum and Dad to get the job done! But it doesn’t have to be this way – there is a new and exciting way to make up your bed that both kids and adults can have fun with – it’s called The Duvet Burrito!

Follow these 10 simple steps to make your bed in under two minutes:

  1. Turn your duvet cover inside out and lay it flat on the bed (or floor)

  2. Lay the duvet across the cover nice and flat so that the corners of both are together

  3. Start rolling from the closed end of the cover nice and tight (like a Burrito)

  4. Open the cover at the end and reach inside

  5. Grab the end of the duvet and pull it through cover (tucking it over like a sandwich bag)

  6. Repeat this at the other end

  7. Pull the rest of it though so all you can see is the cover (no duvet)

  8. Slowly unroll it until it is nice and flat – the duvet should be inside the cover

  9. Fasten the duvet up at the end by the poppers or buttons

  10. Smooth the duvet over your bed and ta-da! Clean Bedding!

Follow this link to see how easy it is and have a go yourself.


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