The History of Beds

By Jonathan 5 September 2015

The History of the Bed

Beds have been something that have developed over history, and haven’t always been as we know them today.

Let’s begin the history lesson:

In the prehistoric times, there was no such thing as a wooden bed, with a comfy mattress. Man was always on the move, so a permanent bed wouldn’t have even been an option. When it came to sleeping, it would be about finding a safe place, often in a cave, where they could be protected from the weather. They may have slept on grass for added comfort, but it certainly wouldn’t have been like your memory foam mattress.

As time progressed on man stopped wandering and began to settle down. During this time, beds were still much like before. A pile of leaves or straw would be in the corner of the shelter, but it would still be very much sleeping on the floor, with only the leaves as comfort.

The first record in history of raised beds (more like we know them today) was around 3100 BCE. These were in Eygpt. Very simple wooden platforms were built to lift the bed slightly above to ground.

This offered protection against rats and other pests. The height of your bed also symbolised your social status. If you had a higher bed, you were more important. The most important would decorate their platform bed in gold and jewels, to really demonstrate their status and wealth.

By the middle ages, sleeping, and beds, was becoming very much a status symbol and luxury. Though very few, some would have beds with detailed painted images, which were topped with thick feather (as mattresses). Beds were often so high, a small ladder would be required, just to get into them. The elite would often spend most their day in bed, including to eat meals.

Back to sleeping today. With hundreds of different styles, including wooden beds.

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