Don’t Let The Bedbugs Bite!

By Adam 24 February 2013


When you were a child were you warned about the nasty bed bugs biting you in your sleep? It always makes children laugh but many people don’t realise how true a threat this actually is!

The “Bedbug” or Cimex Lectularius (to give the thing it’s latin name) has been regarded as a human parasite for literally thousands of years. This is because they feed pretty much exclusively from our blood.

They were given the name “Bedbug” because the bedroom is generally where they choose to live and breed – more specifically near to or inside your mattress or headboard! Whilst they are not exclusively nocturnal creatures they have a tendency to be most active when we go to sleep. They are extremely tiny and we usually wouldn’t know if they were feeding on us.

If this wasn’t enough to make you consider buying a new bed and mattress or just replacing your bedding then just think about all the millions of dead skin cells and hair follicles that your old mattress plays home to! Time for a change? Check out the range on our website.

We didn’t want to haunt your thoughts with a picture of a bed bug so heres one of a sleepy sealion, enjoy!

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