How Does Tog Rating Affect Your Duvet Choice?

By George 5 March 2016

The affect of tog rating on your duvet

Some may be fooled into thinking duvets are all the same, when this simply isn’t the case. There’s unit of measurement known as a tog rating that is used to determine the thickness of a duvet, and from this you can choose which the best duvet is depending on the season. Lower tog rated duvets have a thinner filling which helps to keep you cool during summer, whereas much higher tog rated duvets are thicker and keep you warmer during winter. Your body temperature during sleep can affect your quality of sleep. If you’re too hot or cold, you may struggle to drop off, leaving you feeling sluggish in the morning. A lack of sleep can of course affect your day to day life in a number of ways.

If you have a duvet with the right tog rating for you, it means you’ve considered these important factors: Firstly, how easily you get warm. If you are quick to overheat when you get into bed, then you’ll definitely be better off with a low tog rating, and vice versa. That’s the first and most important decision you’ll make about your duvet-to-be, one that’ll be influenced by other choices along the way.

Next on the list of things to consider; your surroundings. If you’ve chosen a duvet with a high enough tog rating, it means you can save money on things like central heating, as you’ll be kept nice and warm throughout the night. It’s a small thing, but if your heating is off throughout the night, you’re potentially halving the money you’re spending on heating. Over the course of a year, that’s a huge saving! It’s definitely something to consider. If you plan to do this, buy a duvet with a slightly higher tog to offset the cold at night.

Getting the duvet with the right tog rating for you will of course improve your quality of sleep. Maintaining a stable temperature is proven to aid in a good night’s sleep and having a good night’s sleep is proven to improve things like alertness, productivity, mood and more. You’ll feel better during the day after a good night’s sleep, so make sure you make the right choice on a duvet to make sure you feel better during the night too.

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