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Should You Snack Before Bed?

By Jack 17 December 2015

Image of lots of healthy foods and snacks

The unanswered question still remains, should you snack before bed? Many people say no, snacking before bedtime is a bad idea as it ruins your sleep pattern, it can also leave you feeling bloated and disrupt your sleep. However, research has shown that snacking before bed could actually be good for you. We have collated 3 reasons why you should snack before bedtime and we hope they help.

  1. Having A Satisfied Belly May Help You Stay Asleep – There are many people that struggle with falling or staying asleep at night. The simplest way to counter act this is to add a bedtime snack to their sleep routine. But we shouldn’t eat any old foods, protein can interfere with sleep so sticking to fat and carbs is perfect. Around 15 – 30 mins before bed, maybe try a bowl of berries with extra thick cream, the types of food that will aid your sleep even more.
  2. Hunger Can Disrupt Sleep – New researches have focused on Leptin And Ghrelin, which are two metabolic hormones that scientist only discovered in the last decade. When we eat, Leptin signal that the body is satisfied, whilst Ghrelin stimulates hunger.Researchers say that if we get enough Leptin to suppress the secretion of Ghrelin, we will sleep throughout the night without awakening to eat.
  3. Eating Carbs At Night Can Help You Control Hunger – A recent study put 63 female and male police officers on two diets. The first spread their carb intake out throughout the day, whilst the second focused on the majority of carbs at dinner. It proved that the officers who ate most of their carbs at dinner experienced hormonal changes that reduced hunger.

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