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Eat Well | Sleep Well ...with Get Laid Beds

By Jasmine 22 August 2012


It is not just a solid bed frame and a luxurious mattress which factor in to determine your quality of sleep. Many food critics, dieticians and nutritionists claim that one of the most healthiest and natural methods in trying to achieve a good nights sleep is to watch your diet and to avoid certain foods which can interfere with digestion and sleep patterns.

It has been well documented that the quantity and quality of foods before bed time can affect sleep patterns, but also the how soon before bed they are consumed. The brain falls asleep at a particular temperature, or range of temperatures and consuming a heavy meal just before bedtime will increase body temperature and in turn disrupt the process of falling asleep.

It has been well proven that an amino acid called Tryptophan, helps synthesise serotonin, a hormone which helps sleepiness.

Here are some of the foods you may want to consider to achieve the best night’s sleep:
• Cottage Cheese – Cottage cheese is the perfect source of protein before bed since it contains slow-digesting casein proteins that will distribute the amino acids to the muscle tissues whilst you sleep. In addition it contains tryptophan helping regulate sleep.
• Oatmeal – As well as for breakfast food, oatmeal has great benefits for an evening meal because of its serotonin realising characteristic which reduces stress.
• Peanuts or Peanut Butter – Peanuts have a rich source of Niacin, again stimulating a release of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Slightly higher in fat and calories, you may want to keep portion sizes under control, but when eaten in moderation they are definitely the perfect addition to any diet plan.
• Warm Milk – Milk is a great source of Tryptophan and for most people, the warming has a soothing and relaxing effect on your body. Additionally, the source of Calcium helps regulate production of melatonin – naturally controlling your sleep-wake cycle.
• Grapes – One of the only fruits to contain melatonin, it will naturally boost the natural sleep-wake cycle in the body.

Here are the things you should avoid before going to bed:
• Avoid heavy or spicy foods which maybe cause hearburn and gastro-intestinal problems.
• Don’t drink too much alcohol – although this causes drowsiness, over-consumption may cause restlessness and result in you not getting enough quality sleep.
• Avoid eating excessive fats. Essential fats such as omega-3 fatty acids are important as they have a role in sleep induction in the brain, but be sure not to over indulge in fats, as overweight ness and obesity is a recipe for restless nights.

These simple steps are only serving as guidelines. Although they have been scientifically proven, they may work better for some over others. When these are put in practise with choosing the right wooden bed frame and mattress for your specific needs, we are sure you will have a very comfortable night’s sleep with Get Laid Beds.

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