Ideas For A Bedroom With A Low Ceiling

By Phoebe 3 October 2015

A bed with a pink bedding and a white carpet

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Finding the perfectly sized bed for your bedroom is somewhat of a challenge. Sloped ceilings, however, can turn that challenge into a big headache. 

While we love sloped ceilings for their modern look and space-maximising abilities, they do make it hard to find a bedframe that fits. Fortunately, bedmakers across the world (ourselves included) are aware of  this challenge and have stepped up to the plate. 

With a combination of both low ceiling bedroom design techniques and clever bed frame choices, we have used our knowledge to collate our top five ideas for bedrooms with a low ceiling.

1. Beds for Low Ceilings

Let’s start with arguably the most crucial decision you’ll need to make when adorning your low ceiling bedroom with furniture: which bed frame do/can you choose? 

Well, you’ll need something that sits lower than the average bed frame. This is so you can place the bed right up against any sloped ceilings without worrying about them touching the slope itself. Plus, using a slightly lower profile of a frame in a low ceiling room will prevent them from dominating the space, making it seem small. 

At Get Laid Beds, we have a few loft bed ideas for low ceilings that’ll fit the bill:

Low Loft Bed

The aptly-named low loft bed (pictured above) is a perfect option for a bedroom with a low, sloped ceiling.

Maintaining a modern, sleek design, this luxury handmade wooden bed is guaranteed to make the most of the space available in your low ceiling bedroom. Its small frame enables it to work excellently in space-restricted areas, bringing a touch of tradition and culture, and delivering that spacious feeling within your bedroom.

If you’re hoping to place your bed under a sloped ceiling, the shorter-than-average style of the low loft bed is your best bet.

Low Tokyo Bed

A bed with pillows and blankets

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The low Tokyo bed (pictured above) would be a more unique addition to your low ceiling bedroom.

The minimalist design of the Low Tokyo opens up any bedroom, and its stylish, contemporary design means that function doesn’t have to lack form. 

It’s an excellent accompaniment to a low ceiling bedroom, especially for anyone that doesn’t want to give up the luxury of a headboard.

Low Platform Bed

The distinct minimalist feel to this bed frame takes inspiration from the traditional Japanese sleeping style: near floor sleeping. If you are looking to bring a tad of culture to your bedroom and make your low ceiling bedroom appear all the more spacious, the low platform bed (pictured above) is the ideal solution.

Space Saver Bed

Pictured: Low Modern Attic Bed

Space saver beds are another excellent choice for a low ceiling bedroom, and we’ve got a wide variety on offer. They differ from the usual standard height beds as they take up remarkably less floor space, which gives the mattress itself a unique floating effect. This saves vital room, as no legs sit at the foot of the bed, meaning they’re a lot less beneficial to your toes.

2. Paint the Walls a Light Colour

Interior design theory claims that lighter colours make a room feel larger. Darker colours, have the opposite effect. Browns, blacks, and dark blues will make the space feel like it’s closing in around you, leading to an almost claustrophobic feeling. 

If white is too surgical for you, feel free embrace the usual arsenal of lighter bedroom colours: creams, beiges, and off-whites. Whatever colour you do go for, we recommend leaving any ceilings (sloped or otherwise) in a perfect white. Doing this makes them feel higher, and your room feel bigger.

3. Hang Large Mirrors On the Walls

A room with a table and potted plants

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Mirrors reflect light, making small spaces appear brighter and bigger. Making an impact on visitors as soon as they enter the space, the taller the mirror you can hang the better. Not only does the reflective effect make the room feel larger, but the sheer height of a taller mirror will also give an added illusion of vertical space.

4. Hang Floor-To-Ceiling Curtains

While we’re talking about vertical space, the same idea rings true for your soft furnishings; in particular, your curtains. 

Of course, this tip is slightly less possible for those with sloped ceilings – in which case, you probably don’t have curtains to begin with. But, if your ceilings are simply on the shorter end of the scale, hanging floor-to-ceiling curtains can help to bridge the gap between the top and bottom of your room – making it appear larger.

5. Embrace Large Lighting

Another illusionary effect you can give to your bedrooms revolves around the lighting you have. Taller bedside table lamps are yet another clever way of creating the allure of space when there is in fact none. But ,it doesn’t stop there. 

If you have light fixtures, such as ceiling fans or pendant lights, make sure your fittings are larger than the average you’d find in your living room or kitchen. 

Having large features helps create a sense of depth in the room – leading to it feeling much more fleshed out and bigger than it actually is.

We Have the Perfect Beds For Your Low Ceiling Bedroom

Armed with these tips, your low ceiling bedroom will feel like any other room in your house. While you may forget to duck down to walk in, the room certainly won’t feel out of place.

When combined with our high quality, wooden bed frames for smaller bedrooms, you can truly transform any space into a place of relaxation.

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