Reasons To Change Your Bedsheets Regularly

By George 6 January 2016

The way we handle bedsheets and their cleanliness is quite odd when you think about it. If we were to compare it to the methods and practices we use for our normal, everyday clothes, then it’s very different. We wash our clothes after wearing them for only a day. We wash and change our bedsheets once a week. That’s a considerable jump in time, one we don’t even think about. Imagine if you wore the same pieces of clothing for 7 days in a row. You just wouldn’t do it, would you? So why is it any different for our bedsheets? We spend roughly the same amount of time in them through sleeping, regardless of whether there’s very little activity while we’re there.

What exactly is it that makes us think we don’t need to change our bedsheets very regularly? Perhaps it’s because the bed is a place for relaxation and recuperation, we don’t consider that we’re probably getting it just as dirty as our clothes are when we wear them just for a day. It’s for this reason we strongly recommend changing your bedsheets more regularly. We wouldn’t say to change them every day, that would be not only absurd but also in no way cost effective. If you had to pay out the already-too-high price of laundry detergent and fabric softener 7 times more often than you currently do, the accumulative cost would be astronomical.

Instead of this, we’d recommend changing your bedsheet roughly twice a week. Once at the weekend and once halfway through the week. This way, you can maintain the heavenly freshness and softness of your bedsheets without feeling that you or they are getting too dirty through repeated use. It won’t increase your costs exponentially, in fact it will hardly increase them at all. You’ll benefit from the slight change in routine, and you’ll feel much better for it when you slide into those soft, aromatic sheets every night.

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