Snoring Solutions

By Harry 2 September 2015

Image of quiet zone sign

A gigantic 41.5% of the adult population in the UK snore! So here are the Get Laid Beds top tips to reducing and preventing snoring.

  1. Weight has been hugely linked to snoring, therefore maintaining a healthy diet should certainly reduce the amount of snoring that you do.

  1. Smokers have also been affiliated with heavy snoring. Therefore if you are a smoker and you were to quit, you may find that your snoring also seises too. This is because smoking causes several issues with breathing due to the damage it does to the lungs.

  1. Alcohol should be avoided before bed as it results in muscle relaxation and interfere with breathing, which then increases the likelihood that you will end up snoring that night.

  1. Sleeping on your back heavily increases the likeliness of you snoring that night, so therefore sleeping on your side is a highly recommended method of preventing snoring.

  1. Keeping your nasal passages clear is important as breathing through your nose when you sleep is better in terms of reducing snoring, rather than breathing through your mouth when you sleep.

  1. Age is another big factor that has an effect on snoring. As you get older your throat gets narrower and this makes you more vulnerable to snoring. So this does explain why adults are more likely to snore than the younger generation.

  1. There are some devices that have been made in order to stop people from storing, eg. The Snoremender, it is worn at night like a small flexible gumshield, it holds the lower jaw slightly forwards. This then opens up the airway, allowing for easier breathing and it should therefore stop the user from snoring.

  1. The final solution we have for you are nasal strips. They are placed on the nose and they make it easier to breath via the nasal entrance. It instantly relieves congestion within the nose, they are cheaper than the gumshield and have also proved very effective.

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