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Chicken of the Month - December

By Harry 23 December 2015

Chicken of the Month - December

It’s time to name our final chicken of the month for 2015! December’s chicken of the month is the ‘Java Chicken’. This breed of chicken comes from the island of Java, and was developed in the U.S. from chickens of unknown Asian extraction. It is one of the oldest American chickens, forming the basis for many other breeds, however it is critically endangered today. Javas are large birds with a sturdy appearance, as well as being quite heavy too, making them a tough chicken and certainly not the kind to be messed with.

They have small earlobes and medium size combs and wattles, all of which are red in colour. But just like every breed, they do have their pros and cons. This type of chicken is extremely rare, especially here in the UK, being an American breed of chicken. They are consistent egg layers and they grow to a reasonable size. The Java Chicken has dual uses, meat and eggs. They tend to produce 150 large brown eggs every year, making them a wise investment for those looking for fresh eggs to go with their food.

One of the main downsides to the Java Chicken is that they can actually take a long time to grow to full size and begin laying. They are also extremely rare and difficult to obtain, which can make them quite expensive to buy at market.

We’re sure that you agree that the Java Chicken is a worthy winner of the chicken of the month. It’s unique features and it’s ability to lay roughly three large eggs per week makes them a fantastic breed.  We here at Get Laid Beds love this chicken and that is why the Java Chicken is our ‘chicken of the month’ for December 2015.

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