Sleep: we all know it’s important, but how much do you actually need? It turns out, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
The amount of sleep you need for optimal health can depend on your age, genetics, and personal circumstances – whether you're training for a marathon, navigating parenthood, or just trying to get through another workweek. But for the sake of this article, let's stick with the average, healthy adult and tackle the age-old question.
Generally speaking, the sleep gurus (aka scientists) recommend that healthy adults over the age of 18 require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night, and adults who sleep less than 7 hours a night may in fact have more health issues than those who sleep 7 or more. But remember, if you wake up feeling well-rested and are able to perform well during your day without needing a substantial amount of double espressos, chances are you’ve had the right amount of sleep.
Here's where things get a bit more nuanced. It's not just about how much sleep you get; it's about the quality too. You could spend 9 hours in bed, but if you’re tossing, turning, and thinking about your unread emails , you're not getting the most out of it. Quality sleep means progressing through the different sleep stages uninterrupted and feeling alert during waking hours. So, it’s less about how long you’re asleep and more about how deeply you’re snoozing.
Let’s get down to business, it’s all about getting better sleep, right? Here are 4small actions you can take every day that will pave the way to happy sleep habits;
Set a bedtime and stick to it, even on weekends. Yes, we know you want to sleep in on Saturday, but your body clock doesn’t understand the concept of "Netflix binges”.
It sounds pretty simple but getting up at the same time and going to bed at the same time each day will create an easy rhythm for your body to follow, especially if these timings coincide with your natural circadian rhythm or your body’s internal clock. Consistency is key, and it'll make your mornings far less groggy quicker than you can say ‘just one more episode.’
Parents out there will relate to the need of having a regimental sleep routine for their young children and whilst we’re not saying that a nursery rhyme before bed is the answer, adults can absolutely benefit from establishing an evening routine. Doing the same tasks before bed such as reading, brushing your teeth or writing in a journal can signal to your body that it’s time to wind down for bed.
We have all fallen into the trap of doom scrolling before bed (TikTok, we’re looking at you). However, your brain perceives the blue light emission from your laptop, tablet or phone as sunlight and it tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime. Turn off your screens at least 30 minutes before you plan to sleep, and you might just find yourself drifting off more easily
You wouldn’t settle for an uncomfortable chair at work, so why settle for a less-than-stellar bed? Invest in a high-quality mattress, bedding that feels luxurious, and a bed frame that makes you feel like you’re checking into a five-star hotel every night. After all, you spend a third of your life in bed – might as well make it fabulous.
Sleep is personal, and there’s no perfect answer to how many hours you need. But by focusing on quality, consistency, and creating a space that even Sleeping Beauty would envy, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the sleep expert of your own life. Now go on, catch those Zzzs – you've earned them!
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