Coupon & Voucher Codes

Get Laid Beds Voucher Codes
Voucher codes are a great way to save at Get Laid Beds - We reward our followers with such offerings throughout the year.

For early access to voucher codes, sales, free delivery codes, discount and gift codes simply subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. You’ll be walking down the road to saving money in no time, and you’ll get the latest updates on sales, discounts and exclusive deals straight to your inbox - all you’ve got to do is go to your account page (you’ll need to set up an account if you don’t already have one) and click subscribe on the newsletter section.

Newsletter Sign Up
To receive exclusive voucher codes, deals, offers and early access to sales, simply sign in here and subscribe to our newsletter. If you don’t already have an account, creating one only takes two minutes!

We don’t like to pester you so we promise only to send out a newsletter every so often to keep you up to date on select deals and exclusive coupon codes as well as news and local mutterings around the barn here at Get Laid Beds.

Voucher & Coupon Code FAQ
If you’re unsure of how coupon codes work or what they’re for, fear no more! Let us help you with our frequently asked questions. Remember, if you can’t find what you need to know in our FAQ, you can email us at [email protected] or alternatively call us on 0203 695 2463.

1) What Are Voucher Codes?

Voucher codes are known by multiple different names, a few examples being promo (promotional) codes, and discount codes. Their purpose is to provide a variety of different benefits. Some give discounts and others provide cheaper shipping. While the offering may be different, they are all aimed at helping you save a little extra on your order with Get Laid Beds.

2) How To Enter Your Code

All promo codes should be used at the checkout, placed in the appropriate box and enjoyed thoroughly with a reduced price. Shaken, not stirred, obviously.

3) Can You Use More Than One Voucher Code At Once?

You can only apply one voucher or coupon code to your order at a time. If you try to apply another code after entering your first, the website will not apply it to your order total. You are however able to remove your current voucher code to use a different one, you just can’t use more than one code at once.

4) What If Your Voucher Code, Coupon Code Or Discount Code Isn’t Working?

If you’re trying to use a voucher code, promo code or discount code at the checkout and it presents you with an error, or the code doesn’t seem to be altering the overall price of your order, we’d strongly advise you email [email protected] or phone 020 3695 2463. By doing this, your voucher/promo/discount code can be checked for validity.

Made in England
Shipping Worldwide

Note: International shipping prices are charged per bed rather than per order. This is due to the bulky nature and weight of these products.

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Would you like to plant a tree?

100% of your donation will go to the ITF. A UK registered charity no. 1106269

Our current tree planting focus is in the Lower Imenti Forest near Mount Kenya National Park in Kenya, Africa. A variety of species will be planted in partnership with the International Tree Foundation (ITF). These trees will be for Agroforestry and Reforestation projects to help local communities live a better life.

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